Friday, January 6, 2012

What can I do to make things better?

I am about to turn 22, and I am a senior in college. I am white, and I have an asian boyfriend. I grew up in a strict household. My family, who has never met my boyfriend, tried to get me to break up with him when we first started dating because he is asian. They are racist, but I am not. I told them it was my decision. I just found out that I am 6 weeks pregnant. I decided to break the news to my family, who still refuses to meet my boyfriend. They went crazy. They were yelling, and saying mean things. They told me they would raise my baby, and the father could not see him. They told me he was going to leave me, and have nothing to do with me. (they think this because he is not white). They told me to choose between them or him. I said I shouldn't have to choose. I left and didn't speak to them for a few days. They gave me my car, and they give me a monthly allowance so I don't have to work. I know I was wrong for premarital , but what's done is done, and I am just trying to make the best. I called them today, and only one parent would speak to me and it was only for less than a minute. My boyfriend is very excited. He is 27 and has a great job, and wants to support me. Is my family wrong for taking it too far, and what can I do to make things better? I am beyond stressed out. I can't calm down and it's not good for the baby. It seems like every time I start to be ok something else comes up.

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